5 Motivational Tips to Train Your Brain to Hate Junk Food - Health is wealth


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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

5 Motivational Tips to Train Your Brain to Hate Junk Food

 5 Motivational Tips to Train Your Brain to Hate Junk Food.

Junk Food

Junk food addiction is a very real thing. It's not the kind of behavior that goes away over time, but can be treated with tough love from your friends and family members if need be. 

Studies clearly show that people actually crave junk food and are unable to resist the temptation without help from their cravings because of how much fat, sugar, or salts there are in these foods along with additives that make them irresistible for many who eat them on purpose while they can still control themselves enough not too when faced by other options such things don’t even come close being just right until you have had one bite into something incredibly delicious followed closely by another two bites before eventually getting full if this continues then suddenly losing interest altogether only remembering what has been ingested.

Junk food and sugary foods make you less productive. It's a challenge to eliminate them from your diet, but not all hope is lost! Remember that certain tactics can help even if a junk-food lover like yourself has trouble kicking the addiction cold turkey - just keep practicing these tips every day so they become routine in life for when cravings strike again later down the line.

What if you could train your brain to not crave junk food?

1. Understand Your Own Psyche

Give your mind and body a break from bad habits by understanding what you crave the most. Whether it's sugar, fast food items, or just plain old unhealthy foods--it's time to make some changes.

It may seem difficult at first but once one understands their own thought process they will find that keeping eyes off these things becomes easier when done with an open heart rather than out of desperation for something different in life because if there isn't anything better then why bother?

The first thing you should do is stop keeping foods in the pantry that you desire. If it's sugary items, only keep fruits with no more than five ingredients and whole wheat products containing all-natural preservatives like fruit juice extract or natural yeast extracts instead of artificial chemicals used on typically processed snacks.

One more thing, no matter what you do stay away from fast-food restaurants when planning a night out. Whether it is difficult or not depends on whether there will be peer pressure and alcohol involved in the evening- if so then quitting can seem impossible but avoiding them altogether are always a better option.

2. Creating a Game Plan to Hate Junk

What would you say is the best way to stay away from processed foods? I'm guessing it's because they are full of sugar, salt, and chemical preservatives. The truth about these food items can really take a toll on our health in many ways--not just by making us gain weight or developing certain diseases like cancer which may result if consumed too much time!

I recommend following an eating plan where each day has 6 small meals instead 5 large ones so we don't consume too much junk at once; this will also help cut down cravings later while maintaining appetite control during lunchtime hours (unlike when people eat 3 big snacks between 11am - 2 pm).

The best way to start is by shopping from the grocery store with a list. Having one will help you in avoiding junk food like deli meats, doughnuts, and such! Remember that it's easy for stores' layouts to make them seem as if we'll buy more than what was intended at first but keep this in mind when going into your trip so nothing goes wasted or forgotten-- Bring an extra bag just in case anything comes up missing. 

Start by shopping healthy foods from the grocery store while keeping away from unhealthy choices such as fast-food restaurants nearby- they have too many enticing offers here already.

The fresh produce is at the front of every store. You'll want to stay away from that stuff, and head right for some canned beans or frozen peas instead- they're fresher.

The best way to stick with a healthy diet is by planning your meals in advance. 

Try not to rely on sandwiches or fried pre-processed foods, as these too can be considered junk food and should only make up part of what you eat if at all! When thinking about the different types of meals that might work for you (entrees, main dishes like fajitas; desserts such as apple pie), try figuring out which one sounds appetizing then prepare them fresh right before dinner time - this will help reinforce memories around mealtime because they're so memorable when cooked from scratch every day.

3. Actionable Intent to Stop Eating Junk

The plan is useless until and unless there are some proper actions involved. 

You can't expect your healthy food to just show up on the doorstep waiting for you, so don’t think that it will be easy.

Get rid of all items in both kitchens or fridges calling themselves junk--also dispose of secret stash hidden somewhere around that may seem innocent but could lead back into addiction if not careful about keeping an eye out.

Remember that the end product of this junk food reduction will be a healthier and happier you. If you're not into sports, joining some kind of fitness group or going to yoga classes can help keep yourself on track with your diet while also helping motivate you for quitting any bad habits.

4. Chew More Eat Less

Why does eating take so long? In a study conducted by the University of Geneva, scientists found that if you spend 20 minutes chewing your food and 50% longer than usual for each bite then all meals will be eaten in about three hours. This is why it is important to enjoy slow-burning carbs like pasta or rice instead.

I know it sounds a little daunting, but you can easily learn the process and then this will become your habit. Give me 20 minutes of chewing time?

5. Pay Attention to Colors and Environment

The colors red and yellow are the ones that spark up hunger, so most eateries prefer to use these in their decor scheme.

When you are trying to restrict your food choices, make sure the dishes and cutlery used for serving meals aren't colorful. Use smaller plates so that it is easier for yourself when taking fewer servings of these items.


Chew on this. If you are struggling with a junk food addiction, reach out to your loved ones for support and prayer because it's not something that will go away over time. It may be difficult but the tough love of friends and family can help get rid of bad habits in order to live healthier lives.

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