Top 10 Healthy Beverages - Health is wealth


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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Top 10 Healthy Beverages


Top 10 Healthy Beverages

Healthy Beverages

Based on recommendations from The Good Housekeeping Institute and The Food Research and Action Center, we’re here to help you sift through your food diary to find out which healthy beverages are your favorites. Based on our research and experience in healthy living, we know what works for our bodies.

Here are our top ten most delicious, and healthy, beverages.

1. Smoothies

Healthy Beverages

Another exercise included in my Yoga fitness video, when I move my body, I opt for a beverage to wake me up. I love drinking smoothies as it allows me to feel fresh and energized from start to finish. A core fiber-rich drink that features antioxidants to prevent hangovers while serving as a great afternoon snack.

2. Sports and Nutrition Product

Healthy Beverages

If you play any sport, the caffeine content in soft drinks will increase the energy spike. Therefore, you don’t necessarily want your beverage to be as caffeinated as it would be if you weren’t running or lifting weights. When adding some amount of power-packed ingredients to your beverage, keeps you energized for hours.

3. Sports Water

Healthy Beverages

Your body could be full and you are not going to feel a full gas until you take a drink to thank your body for what it is doing for you.

4. Tea

When it comes to detoxifying, the best way to do it is to drink black tea. It will detox your system as much as it detoxifies your body. Why would you avoid drinking tea? The elevated caffeine content is why!

5. Water

Water is the best beverage to consume when you're sick or if you're trying to take care of yourself. Be aware of how much water you’re drinking for optimal detoxification to take place. You should, on average, be drinking between seven and nine glasses of water a day.

6. Diet Mello Mushroom

Healthy Beverages

Consistently speaking, the other two veggie diets found out of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) are not as healthy as the vegan lifestyle. The diet is certainly healthy to consider but they're not organic. Their key ingredients like milk, butter, and eggs have a high-fat content that can be added with other supplements to increase their nutrients.

7. Soak

Healthy Beverages

If you're the type of person who loves to wash up your hands immediately after soaping your hands, misterbrie is worth trying. This bath cream uses plant enzymes and natural butter to remove any oils and germs from your skin. This moisturizing and healing product helps moisturize your skin and increase elasticity while soothing any slight cramps and pains. The scrubbing component on this misterbrie helps to remove remaining skin dryness and offsprings. Once your skin is feeling soft and supple again, you can apply more moisturizing foundations and powders.

8. Brine Water

Healthy Beverages

This can help you feel amazing after working out. Be sure to wash up your hands immediately after working out or any vigorous workout so as to remove all the impurities in your skin that leave it dry and rough.

9. Lemon Juice

Healthy Beverages

A simple mix of aloe vera plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, lemon juice, and saffron herbs, this beverage is perfect for dehydration and electrolyte balance. Unlike many of the other beverages, this beverage will sit for a while before you drink it.

10. Cellulose Water

Healthy Beverages

Culture has for centuries valued nature’s creams, leaves, grasses, plants, vegetables, grasses, earth, and herbs. Cellulose water features a combination of all of the above and is great for keeping your body hydrated. You can drink this with the herb’s Cellulose Water suggested a drink, or wash up your hands with a cup before or after you start to shower.


We can help you find the right healthy beverages for your body. Call us today to see how we can support you on your journey into a healthier lifestyle.

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